С. П. Смышляев
Section leader

S. P. Smyshlyaev, Doctor of Phys. Mat. Sci., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Ozone and Upper Atmosphere, St. Petersburg State University and Professor of the Meteorological Faculty of the Russian State Medical University. One of the leading specialists in Russia in the field of numerical modeling of the chemistry of the lower and middle atmosphere. He is one of the developers of a two-dimensional photochemical model of the State University of New York (SUNY-SPB) and a three-dimensional chemical-climatic model of the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Russian State Hydrometeorological University (CCM INM RAS - RSHU).

He participated in the International Comparison of Models and Measurements (MM&MM-II), an international program to assess the impact of supersonic aircraft on the ozone layer, in the preparation of WMO reports on ozone depletion. He is a laureate of the St. Petersburg Government Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary education for "Scientific achievements contributing to the improvement of the quality of training of specialists and highly qualified personnel."

He has several dozen publications in the top-rated journals Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Annales Geophysicae and others included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Hirsch index 14 (SCOPUS), 19 (RINC)