N. M. Gavrilov
Section leader

N. M. Gavrilov, Professor of the Atmospheric Physics Department of St. Petersburg State University. He is one of the leading experts in the field of atmospheric wave dynamics research. He is engaged in the analysis of ground-based and satellite observations of mesoscale variations of various atmospheric characteristics, the development and application of numerical models of nonlinear acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere.
In the laboratory, he plans to develop and apply algorithms and computer codes for parameterizing dynamical and thermal effects of mesoscale atmospheric waves. Participated in all major international projects on the study of wave interactions of various atmospheric layers (CAWSES, CAWSES II, VarSITY and PRESTO).
He is a member of the RFBR Expert Council on atmospheric physics. He served as a reviewer of Elsevier and AGU journals. He published more than 250 publications, of which more than 100 are in journals with a high impact factor. His Hirsch index is 16. He was awarded the emblem "Honorary Employee of the Higher School of the Russian Federation"