I. A. Mironova
Responsible executor

I. A. Mironova, Senior Researcher at the Department of Earth Physics, St. Petersburg State University, a leading scientist in the field of solar-terrestrial physics, has extensive experience in assessing the impact of precipitations of energetic particles of solar and cosmic origin on the state of the Earth's atmosphere, the reaction of the ozone layer and the chemical composition of the polar middle atmosphere.

She leads and participates in several Russian Science Foundation and RFBR projects, as well as projects supported by foreign scientific organizations and foundations, member of the SCOSTEP SVS commission and SCOSTEP projects (CAWSES II, VarSITY and PRESTO), ICMA and IAGA. Reviewer for Elsevier, IOPscience and AGU journals, expert in scientific foundations of the Russian Federation and the countries of the European Union. Deputy Editor, Frontiers in Earth Science.

Has more than 30 scientific publications registered in the systems of scientometric databases and more than 500 citations.