Divin A. V.
Lab employee

Scientific interests: parallel computing, numerical schemes, kinetic processes in space plasma, plasma instabilities, magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration, cometary atmospheres, Lunar magnetic anomalies, Earth's magnetosphere.

He has experience with high-performance Tier 0 systems: Beskow (Sweden), Curie (France), Lomonosov (Moscow State University, Russia). He takes part in the development of multiprocessor codes for modeling phenomena in heliospheric physics.

Profile:: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5579-3066


2017-present - Senior Research Fellow, St. Petersburg State University
2015-2017 - postdoc, St. Petersburg State University
2012-2015 - postdoc, IRFU, Uppsala, Sweden
2006-2007 - Student Intern, UMCP, College Park, USA


PhD (mathematics), CmPA, KU Leuven, Belgium, 2012
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences (St. Petersburg State University), 2009
Master (Department of Physics), St. Petersburg State University, 2005